Curium [Cm] (CAS-ID: 7440-51-9) locate me
An: 96 N: 151 Am: [247]
Group Name: Actinoid
Block: f-block Period: 7 (actinoid)
State: solid at 298 K
Colour: silver Classification: Metallic
Boiling Point: 3383K (3110'C)
Melting Point: 1613K (1340'C)
Density: 13.51g/cm3
Shell Structure diagrams | Atomic Radius diagram

Discovery Information
Who: G.T.Seaborg , R.A.James, A. Ghiorso
When: 1944
Where: United States
Name Origin
In honor of Pierre and Marie Curie.
Made by bombarding plutonium with helium ions . So radioactive it glows in the dark.
As curium is only available in extremely limited quanities, it has few uses, however, it was used on a Mars mission as an alpha particle source for the Alpha Proton X-Ray Spectrometer.
The isotope curium-248 has been synthesized only in milligram quantities, but curium-242 and curium-244 are made in multigram amounts, which allows for the determination of some of the element's properties.
Curium bio-accumulates in bone tissue where its radiation destroys bone marrow and thus stops red blood cell creation.